Pure Adrenaline - 10 Action Movies
Brand: Maverick Entertainment
Movie Count: 10 movies
Disc Count: 2 discs
Total Time: 950 minutes
Movies marked with a semicolon (;) were unique to my whole collection at time of purchase.
Unique Count: 9 movies
Unique Time: 860 minutes
Purchase Date: Aug 26, 2023
Purch. Price: $6.50
Purch. Location: eBay
Packaging: Standard-size DVD case which holds one page with a hub and a hub on the right side. Both discs are single sided.
All movies in COLOR
1__; (6.1) 5th and Alameda (2011) Saye Yabandeh, Corey Sevier, Mario Van Peebles - 123m Widescreen
___; (4.1) Bad Reputation (2007) Angelique Hennessy, Jerad Anderson, Danielle Noble - 91m Widescreen in standard
___; (2.9) Hot Ice [aka Hot Ice, No-one Is Safe] (2010) John Bianco, Joey Esposito, Raymond Serra - 88m
____ (3.8) Circle of Fury (2010) Randy Spence, Adonis Williams, Anatoli Grigoriadou (Grek) - 90m Widescreen
___; (3.8) Twists of Fate (2009) Rick Borgia, Deborah Ludwig, Michael Kincade - 86m Widescreen
2__; (3.8) Death By Engagement (2005) Sascha Knopf, Aaron McPherson, P.J. Soles - 99m Widescreen in standard
___; (4.6) Once Upon a Time in the Hood (2004) Mauricio Mesa, Eduardo P. (Eddie) Martinez, Fernando Rodriguez - 98m Widescreen
___; (3.0) Trunk (2009) David Blanchard, Jennifer Day - 90m Widescreen
___; (3.6) 420 High Desert Way (2010) Tristan Ott, Trey Alley, Julianne Bianchi, Tom Breedlove - 98m Widescreen in standard
___; (5.0) Bad Things Gone Worse [aka The Drop / Bad Thing Gone Worse / Blindsided] (2000) Dan De Luca (DeLuca), Noelle Holly, George Gonzalez - 87 min Widescreen
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